In order to support and lead change at Michigan State University, I accepted the position of Dean of Arts & Letters. My focus was on enhancing the visibility and reputation of the Arts and Humanities through innovative programming in three new Research Centers and new majors/minors such as Global Studies, Experience Architecture, and Arts Management. Diversity in graduate education, and support for career development for undergraduates, were other priorities.
—Advisor to Provost for Intercultural Learning and Student Engagement. 2014-16
—Dean, College of Arts and Letters. 2006-2014
Capital Projects:
I had the pleasure as lead dean to work together with Michigan State’s facilities team and renowned architects on the programming for three unique capital projects:
Language Arts Building (Wells Hall)
Broad Art Museum (designed by Zaha Hadid)
Theater Outdoor Performance Space
Other Administrative Roles
Department of Linguistics and Languages
—Acting Chair of Department of Linguistics, Germanic, Slavic, African, and Asian Languages. 2005-06
—Associate Chair of Department of Linguistics, Germanic, Slavic, African and Asian Languages, tasks focused on budgeting, processes and procedures, in our three graduate programs. 2003-05
—Director of Graduate Studies, German. 2003-05
Faculty Leadership
—Member, the Search Committee for the UIIO position. Spring, Summer 2006
—Member, the Provost Taskforce on Enhancing Research. Spring 2006
—Leadership Presentation to Chairs (all university): “Best Practices in Faculty Mentoring.”. November 2005
—Chair of the University Graduate Council 2005-
—Chair of the Agenda Committee of University Graduate Council 2005–
—Chair of University Graduate Council. Fall 1994
—Chair of University Graduate Council: Agenda Committee. Fall 1994